Satin Sheets in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Satin Sheets

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Coppit | 12:51 Sat 06th Feb 2021 | Home & Garden
27 Answers
If still available I'd buy smooth nylon. Any comments about satin appreciated. Thanks.
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due to my disability i tried satin sheets (it was/is difficult for me to roll over in bed). i had to get rid of them as i found them TOO slippy. I now manage wih satin PJs and a snoozle
13:11 Sat 06th Feb 2021
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ladybirder. No. Determined to get a pair!
Yes Hopkirk I do. My father was the technical director of a company that developed nylon. So I blamed him for the wretched things. Although my mother loved the nylon stockings;-)
static electricity :( If you like smooth sheets, try tencel or tencel cotton mix, sold by marks branded as Comfortably Cool.
I have tencel sheets, they wash well and dry in the tumble drier, no ironing needed
Hopkirk, I still remember the Brentford Nylon tv adverts :D

Does anyone remember fibre glass curtains? Used to get little tiny spikes of fibre glass in my fingers every time I opened or closed the curtains
From what I remember of nylon sheets they lacked purchase for the energetic boudoir gymnast.

I'll leave the subject of ironing sheets for another day.
Some nice sets here, definitely only have pure silk, polyester satin is vile, unless you want a brothel vibe.

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