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Breakfast Anyone?

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pastafreak | 11:48 Sat 06th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
The full English breakfast...sausage



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What a waste - turning a good breakfast into Baby Food
Btw whats a full septic breakfast consist of?
Pile of pancakes smothered in maple syrup with a load of bacon.
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septic tank = Yank......
i had some of the best breakfasts in NY. And the club sandwiches were amazing, the size alone would make your eyes water. I ate half of one and ate the other half on the plane coming home....
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@ 16:22...yes, I know emmie. I just wondered if he knew who he was talking to. ;)
It's not a term of endearment to my ears.
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I used to go to a branch of woolies in Manhattan many,many years ago when I'd just started working. They did the best chicken and bacon club sandwich. It was huge...but I ate it all. Oh to be 22 again...
I quite often have a pancake,mashed banana, slice of bacon and maple syrup for breakfast. At least twice a week, delicious!

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