i agree that fybogel is not that good. do some internet research and it all tells you the same thing. It creates gas and bloating which is the side effect of fibre-its supposed to get better after a while taking them but why do it in the first place-it may not get better.
The BEST thing i have ever taken is spore gone..it contains caprylic acid which is used to treat severe intestinal gas, bloating, yeast and fungal/ bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. I suggest you buy capsules contaning this acid and you will see a definite difference.
Beer would be problematic as it is full of yeast and gassy, and fruit is full of fibre and quite wet..you should eat fruit, but NOT after a main meal. In the morning without anything else is fine or as a snack in between meals. You may also buy a smoothie maker and smooth one banana, some ginger, and an apple for brekkie.