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Bonus Bbc Quiz

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Buenchico | 21:02 Fri 19th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I found this quite entertaining (and educational too). It's certainly different!


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I'm not sure what's worse, the actual remedies, or some of the alternatives the quiz writers came up with!

Actually, what's worse was my score of 2.
Question Author
I think you should resort to a cure that was known in the ancient world, and is still used today, Mozz: Alcohol!

Just 2.
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I'm not letting you take my appendix out, HW4!

I managed 6 there. glad medicine and physicians have moved on from there.
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60%, Lady-J?

That's enough to qualify as a doctor these days!
Only 2 but as I'm not going to require any of the treatments, I'm not too bothered!
2/10 and one of those was a guess.
3 good guesses, 1 that i knew and one which i took the first 6 letters of a name and used them as an anagram, for a total of 5/10. Won't say which question the anagram was used on, though i wouldn't be surprised if others didn't do the same.

Which, considering I knew one of them and a monkey should score 2.5, is about right ...
Only 4.
That's my medical career over!
3/10 oh dear
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4's quite a good score on a quiz with bizarre questions and more option than normal, Theland. So well done!

Very well done with that 5, Ken!

3 might just get you a pass mark at medical school, Ellipsis, but I don't think that Tigger and Roo are quite ready for admission into it yet ;-)
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Not too bad, Emmie!

5/10, only 2 of which I actually knew.

Goes to find some sparrow spittle to massage into temples
Question Author
Don't be silly, Lie-in King. We've moved on since those days. It's no longer sparrow spittle that you should be seeking but caterpillar droppings ;-)

[Well done with that 5!]
4 - 3 of which were guesses
Question Author
Guesses all count, Margo ;-)

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