New style JSA which last for six months isn't means tested so is not affected. When that ends, however, he may go on to claim Universal Credit, which is means tested. Capital has to be declared in the application process.
It's possible that he could be asked at that stage what happened to the redundancy payment, and then a Decision Maker would look at it. This is from the Decision Makers' Guide rule 29834
"1 R(SB) 12/91 29834 Claimants or partners have a choice if they
1. give their capital away
2. spend their capital extravagantly or imprudently even if they say they have used it to pay for the necessities of life
3. pay back a debt before the agreed date, such as when they pay off their mortgage and the agreement says it is not due to be paid back for another 15 years
4. pay more than the amount due on a debt, such as when they pay more than the minimum payment on a credit card debt, unless the payment has been made to remove the threat of high interest payments and the DM decides it was reasonable for the claimant to act in the way that they did.
5. pay back a debt which is not a legal debt capable of enforcement.
6. make payments to a flexible current account mortgage which reduce the outstanding balance on the mortgage."