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Just Got My Vaccine Appointment, Getting Jabbed Friday.....

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ToraToraTora | 19:01 Wed 24th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I'm 58, didn't realise they were that far down the ages!


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fred not thread goddamit
I will never be able to frame the gormless essex brogue accurately
In some areas the take up is much lower than others. I read that in Tower Hamlets the take up is as low as 1 in 10 which means they are now vaccinating the 30 year olds, while teams are out trying to persuade the 90% who havent booked, to do so.

Here they are still working through the 65 - 69s, and vulnerable people. Take up is very high and we have an older population. I expect to see the 60 - 65s begin to receive appointments towards the middle end of March.
It's all gone fairly quiet here regarding vaccinations. We were ahead in this area so now the vaccines have been send to other areas and the not here.

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