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DebsyDoo | 21:13 Fri 26th Feb 2021 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Hi everyone! Not been on here for ages & ages - just wondered, is there an ‘App’ for AB?


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Welcome back!

Simple answer to your question: No!
there is (or used to be) a phone and tablet version
^^^ The mobile version, Woofgang, used to have a separate web address to the main site. (It was '' instead of just ''). Although it was aimed at phone users, etc, it could be accessed on a PC and was particularly useful to AB members with visual handicaps (such as our much-loved Woodelf), as the simpler layout made it easier to use with screen-readers.

However, in common with most other websites that used to have 'mobile' versions, AB has now switched to using a 'responsive' web design, whereby there's just one website (with a single web address) that is automatically displayed differently according to the device that it's being viewed on. (That's fine for most users but it made things much, much harder for Woodelf)
its a pain for me too. I like to see the "proper" web versions of websites on my ipad. So far Ab is ok but I have lost others.
Just use the optn to load Desktop version - look in the share box on the ipad.
thanks tuvok, but can't see it for facebook

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