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Balancing The Books

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Hopkirk | 23:52 Mon 01st Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Everyone knows our public finances are shot through by this pandemic.

Some serious decisions have to be made on taxes and spending.

Is it time now to stop spending billions on nuclear weapons?

Our near neighbours the Germans don't cripple their economy with such things ( although I accept that they are not allowed to, for historical reasons)


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^ Well said.
Thanks BurlyS.
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Yes, but back to the original question. Should we be spending silly money renewing our nuclear arsenal?
yes, it's not silly money, it's very cheap compared to what we have spent on Covid and a squillion other things.
I think the problem is that historically Britain has been involved in all sorts of worldwide conflicts (since WW2) that we really had no good reason to. As a result we have made enemies & we might need protection against any "rogue" regime seeking to gain revenge at any cost.

It's arguable whether possessing the means to retaliate would prevent that but it might. If we give it up then we would be relying on the USA to fulfill the role of international policeman/avenger.
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I don't think we can afford the luxury.

They would be unusable against anyone except Russia. Even then almost certainly they know exactly where our subs are, and could take them out easily.
We can afford it - but probably shouldn't. On the other hand poorer countries are still trying to develop there own nuclear capability!
their own
Surely the excess vaccines doses we won’t need will be paid for from the foreign aid budget
We could also send our own military medics to administer the vaccines and the defence budget could recoup the costs from the FA budget too
The issue with nuclear weapons is the same as the argument for carrying a knife - albeit on a larger and somewhat more expensive scale.

I'm carrying a knife because I might meet someone else with a knife so i can defend myself.

But the problem with knives, and bombs, is carrying them seriously racks up the chances of them being taken out and used.

Instead of buying more and better weapons, we should be encouraging the rest of the world to stop having them.
Bizarre that the Left think cancelling Trident would save a fortune. It's between three and four per cent of our, already modest, four per cent of GDP spent on defence. Peanuts. To listen to the Left you think it would pay for the health service. Stupid and dishonest.
I am not bothered how much or how little it costs, I think it is morally indefensible (pun intended) to spend millions of pounds updating weapons needlessly.
we must be seen to be strong in our defences, aren't we an ally with USA, no nuclear deterrents means we look weak and insignificant and we shouldn't.
"I don't think we can afford the luxury." - of course we can it's cheap as chips compared to all the other she ite we spend on. Anyway, we can't afford npot to have it.
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Well as I said before, the Germans seem to manage perfectly well without it.

Oh and Paignton, please don't insult me calling me a lefty - I am anything but!

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