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Popcorn Anyone

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Bobbisox1 | 21:56 Mon 08th Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
35 Answers


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I'll put me headscarf on and turn my Mac collar up Eeek!
OK Bobbi do you want to wear anything else?
Question Author
It's March man, jeans , jumper and a bag of popcorn :0)))
But I don't like popcorn! I shall slink away to the outer darkness - don't bother to wave goodbye. :(
OK not just stockings then?
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Not sure if I'm watching Princess Latifa of Dubai or Mrs Windsor :0/
I was just thinking, ..
'Right, whose missing from AB?!' :-) :-))
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No jourdain you must stay :0)
No Tony , doesn't look good on a 74yr old haha
Or nothing at all Bobbi, do you have some nighties?
:) xx Bobbi
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Yes thick flowery wynciette Tony :0))))
OK Bobbi twill have to slip that of then
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Omg, what would my Mr B say , haha
Please, no popcorn near me or I'll have to change seats and you might be offended, (genuinely happened to me once).
I'm ploughing through Bloodlands again to see what I missed the first time round.
You still awake Bobbi?

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Popcorn Anyone

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