// Yes, apart from my own, which I read and re-read many times with a chuckle and a nod of the head! :-)//
how true how true
I join the list of shame - and re-wear my downtrodden and dusty laurel with pride (*)
I read conts 'blind' which will be a yet another incomprehensible comment to those who ignore my posts about being one-eyed. There are SOME - clear incisive, poignant yet funny, and inspiring - and I find it is by ME
where was I ?
(*) someone was complaining about pretentious bullhoop straight from google, and I said o that must be me!
putting on my laurels
and another - you oh god no, no one reads you it is someone else
and I petulantly pulled off my laurel crown
like Neghan - life is so full - overfull of disappointments