Thanks Atheist, appreciate you sharing your experiences. This post isnt about me, but its interesting you mention the link between drinking and believing. When my drinking spiralled out of control, my spiritual health was severely disrupted too. Many millions, people of all faiths and of none, have come to find a Higher Power through AA, and a permanent solution to not drinking. I couldnt have stopped in my own strength, God knows I tried to often enough. It required a lot of humbling for someone who thought I was superior to most people, and looking down on them through the gutter. Interestingly, the experience of getting sober broadened my outlook, and although am still a Christian, have much more respect for people who I dont share a faith with. If it wasnt for others who demonstrated complete unselfishness, I would be long dead. Drink, or I should say, alcoholism, is a great leveller. It affects all walks of life; rich, poor, religious, irreligious, men, women, young, old, all races, all occupations, all nationalities...