I am all in favour of acknowledgement of past wrongs, that enables us to learn from history.
But the notion of blacklisting or boycotting in institution because of the way it was funded at a time when social attitudes were a world away from what they are now, seems like pointless attention-seeking flagellation with absolutely nothing gained whatsoever.
Pointing out as a matter of historical context that a building or an institution was founded on money from slavery is fine - but suggesting that it is no longer valid, or that the work it does suddenly becomes 'tainted' is simply not a valid way to look at either history, or the present day.
Denying people today the benefits of something that was financed in a way that was acceptable at the time is a nonsense, it teaches nothing except pointless wokeism, it does nothing to actually educate people correctly, and it causes far more harm than good to present and future generations.