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Bazile | 11:29 Sat 13th Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Why is it I can buy a mother's Day card in Asda, but not in Card Factory ?


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Make one - far more personal and doesn't put money into the corporate pockets.
The supermarkets are much better equipped to maintain the social distancing than the smaller specialised shops. The last time I was in a card shop they had so many stands in the middle of the floor everybody had to literally walk sideways and social distancing was impossible.
Supermarkets may be better equipped but they haven't enforced distancing (nor one way) since the Spring lockdown exit last year, at least not in my area so that's a wasted argument.. Facemasks and hand sanitiser yes but that's all. My local big Tesco was bedlam this morning, absolutely packed.
Prudie that's in your area, in mine they are still sticking to the rules. As far as I'm concerned it is still a valid argument, it's easier to maintain a distance in a large shop than a smaller one.
vulcan, you took the words right out of my mouth. There's no room to swing a cat in our card factory shop.
Boots sell nice cards. Wish I still had a Mum to send a card to.
At busy times our local smallish co op had a member of staff monitoring how many people were in the store, then it became one out, one in. And advised unless it is absolutely necessary shop singularly
When I popped into Sainsburys yesterday there were at least 15 people crowded round the small section of mothers day cards, so regarding the shops such as the card factory, they could let 5/6 people in at a time, but I think all this was tried in the last lock downs, by having someone on the door to manage the numbers in and out, but people got fed up with that system, and so did the person on the door getting all the flack, in the end shops just let it slide back to a free for all. In saying all that it is far from being very fair, or well thought out, yet again.

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