Kettering & District samaritans dingbats in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Kettering & District samaritans dingbats

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granny grump | 19:07 Tue 05th Sep 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
I'm stumped with 3 of the dingbats any clues would be gratefully received.

40) g
m= ------

41) PR

9) E=mc2 (-!-)

I know that Smart Bum (A**E) has been suggested for this - I just wonder if the samaritans would have a rude clue like this?

Please just a tip in the right direction would be very helpful - I still like to excercise the little grey cells
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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41 Prisoner (PR is on ER)
Just seen that you only wanted a clue and not the answer - sorry granny grump
9, think it will be the word that einstein shouted when he worked out the formula E= mc2 if you only want clues,
40. Misgovern
Why do you think its that Jan?
It has to be 5,3
did not know it had to be 5 and 3 sorry
Question Author
Sorry jan1956 - forgot to put number of letters in

40 - should be 9 letters
41 - Many thanks Ternigapp
9 - 5 3

Thank you smouse - I was just about to say I couldn't understand the answer to 40 and suddenly 'all was revealed'
Question Author
Sorry bookwormer - thank you for the answer to 40

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Kettering & District samaritans dingbats

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