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pastafreak | 11:31 Wed 17th Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
...of people with flu-like post vaccine symptoms. I had the Astrazeneca so I was fully prepared for a reaction.
I was fine last night except for a hint of a headache. Woke over night, ice cold and achey. Tried to sleep through it but got up at 6am for paracetamol. Woke 2 hours later hot and sweaty...with a cat licking my face. Feeling blehhh right now. It will be a hot drink/paracetamol day.
Hope all are ok this's quiet here.


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I've just woken from a 3 and a half hour nap. I'll make a couple of comments...though my brain feels like mush.
While I feel rough, it's nowhere near as bad as proper flu. Thats when I've gotten shakes as emmie and a few others have.
I took paracetamol before my jab yesterday...more because a knee was giving me discomfort. I decided not to bother later or at bedtime. I felt if I was going to get a reaction, I wanted to know how bad it might be. So I took a dose over night, and another at 9am. Nothing since...though I feel I can do with it now.
I've gotten the impression that the strongest reaction is in those who've had AZ. Does anyone know why...I do know that they work differently.
Hope you are feeling better now, pasta!
well at least a bit better.....some food, plenty of liquid and sleep being the name of the game!
pixie"I don't see why you would take it hours or days before though."
no me either :)
I hadn't seen the theory of taking it a long Time beforehand...
I’ve booked my first one for this weekend. (Over 50s - so exciting) Don’t know which one I’ll get. I’ll report back if anything terrible happens.
I had virtually no side effects, just felt a bit cold though temperature was up a fraction.

'er indoors had hers without any side effects at all. Not even a small blood clot.
I had mine yesterday and have felt awful all day today.

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I've felt much better will also.
that's good the hear Pasta.
I have slept for England today.
Lots of paracetamol and drinks.
Slept through most of the United match tonight and I have finally got warm, and feel hungry.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Sunk that sounds like you are moving in the right direction. take it easy tomorrow, eat what you fancy and drink plenty....NOT alcohol lol
I was exactly the same - felt like I had flu for 48 hours. Sweating, hot and cold, shivering, then back to normal after 2 days.
I know lots of people who have had the jab and were OK, so I wasn’t expecting any problems.

Apparently the vaccine tricks the bodies of male recipients into thinking they have ‘man-flu” and our anti-bodies freak out.

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