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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:58 Fri 19th Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
77 Answers
Happy Friday everyone ..... ♥♥♥



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( great record, takes me back to great times ).
I’m a (selective) Bowie fan too
Not all his stuff was great, Toorak.
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( secret favorite, nothing to do with the fact that the girl over the road looked just like the girl on the right, gawd blimey I spent more time under the bonnet of her poxy 1971 1100 cc Ford Escort than I did under the bonnet of any car of mine ) Rewards were good though ;-)
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Mechanic's perks eh?
Good night all

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Night Toorak x

Goodnight from me too - thanks everyone as always ♥

Repost it, Toorak. ( that one doesn't work ).

Welllll Mamya, you know how it was ;-)
G'night Mamya, sleep tight x

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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