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barry1010 | 12:26 Mon 22nd Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I have several Unidentified Frozen Objects in my freezers. The labels have either fallen off or were not there in the first place.
I'm sure everyone has found this strange things in their freezer - what do you do with yours?


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They live there until a purge comes and then they get thrown away - although last year when we had to do a badly planned 14 days isolation we ended up eating some questionable items from the freezer in desperation.
Open and smell to help with the guessing...and to see if its dried out.
Throw out if it doesn't say "use me".
Some leftovers don't suffer with being frozen, and are just as good as freshly made...others lose their appeal.
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Not sure if one package is soup, stew or stock. I'll defrost that next time I make a stew - it can go in the pot regardless. Good thing I don't have a dog or cat
I freeze in plastic boxes and use a sharpy pen to label them.
i have separate cabinets for my chicken, then another for pork, lamb.
i rarely eat beef. the top is for frozen veg and fish.
Yesterday I used part of a pack of pork steaks that had been in the freezer since first lockdown. They actually still had a label, and made a very nice casserole with peppers, shallots and loads of garlic.
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I have one freezer for meat and fish, another for veg, desserts and ice cream.
I do keep separate drawers for game, beef, lamb etc but the top drawer is for 'other'.
Mostly they are very well organised but not everyone in the family is so careful. I blame them :(
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Pasta, I never worry about how long food has been frozen. The family ate a three year old cheesecake at the weekend.
I don't usually either, Barry...though freezer burn means I'll ditch an item.
I've never binned anything from my freezers - whatever it is and however long it's been there it all gets eaten.
It usually meat. I let it thaw out and arrange a meal around it once I know what it is. It usually ends up as a Chinese stir fry (or dog food)!
I live on my own Barry so i often cook much more than is needed for one meal. The rest is trayed up and put in the freezer. Trouble is, i've run of of sticky labels, so i often don't know just what i've taken out of the freezer until it is thawed enough for me to get the lid of. I call these days, 'my 'pot-luck' days and today was such a day. Turns out i had to make a last minute dash to the corner shop as i had thawed out a tray of CCC.
Should have added, last minute dash to the shop for some naan bread.
>>> I'm sure everyone has found this strange things in their freezer - what do you do with yours?

I get rid of them urgently - before the homicide team call round to my house ;-)

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