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Bonefixer1 | 09:48 Sat 27th Mar 2021 | Crosswords
7 Answers
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4d Wearing old hat, perform material (7) _A_T_L_

Earthly? Can’t parse though. Thanks in advance.


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act in tile a 19th century slang for hat
Question Author
Thanks. I thought of tactile but couldn’t understand the tile reference to old hat. Now I know :)
I was going for EARTHY (=material) too. If "wearing" indicates "act" placed in "tile", how does "tactile" equate with "material"?
I must be missing something.
Vesalius, if earthy then how does the rest of your answer parse ?
material is give as synonym for tactile in
Thanks aelmpvw. I didn't think of that.
I considered earthy as a sort of mixture of "hat" and "early' but clearly that does not work.

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