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Result, Thanks To , The Builder, Emmie, Barry Alava And Emmie

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Bobbisox1 | 11:00 Wed 31st Mar 2021 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
B&Q are refunding me everything , not just the damaged panel as I can’t match it as it’s now unavailable
Thanks all for your advice


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ok what happened....
Hurrah! Chuffed for you
do tell all Bobbi, good for you by the way
Persistence pays off...well done.
Question Author
It’s been a battle Emmie with me emailing their Chairman etc I was told I’d be getting a call yesterday which didn’t materialise , finally got a message last night that the person dealing with it was on a day off so I’d stayed in for nothing ( landline) she rang me about 10 and said they’d issue me with a full refund, now we have to get the 2/3rds on taken off and start again,
glad to have been useful, two mentions, lol
as said before threaten them with Watchdog, TSoffice, e mails and bobs your builder....
shame on B + Q for not knowing that this is what should immediately have happened

and furder shame on them for giving you classic AB answers which of course being AB ourselves we recognised as a load of horse - - poo.

(we have roof no leak, wandsworth council replace roof under order and - leak ++ - - - wandsworth defending the obvious claim in the interest of giving tax payers value for moolah. work that one out!)
holy week
threaten them with hell fire and the harrowing of hell ( two days only, Good Friday and Holy Saturday)
glad it worked whatever you had to do to get your rights..
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We'll leave it till next week to have a look for something else due to the Easter break
don't you want to get the work completed bobbi...
before Easter...
Question Author
Yes I would but there are no DIYs open on Easter Sundays and that’s when my son in law would take us , he’s got a good eye for stuff like that , he’s working this Saturday
Nice to read some good news xx
shame, still sure it will get done sooner than later.
Question Author
Thanks all :0)
you are welcome

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Result, Thanks To , The Builder, Emmie, Barry Alava And Emmie

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