Help!! My son is wanting to buy a 125cc Motorbike. He set his heart on a Aprilia but his Dad (an ex biker) says they are unreliable and he should go for a Honda CBR 4 stroke. Son doesn't like CBR and prefers the 2 stroke Honda NSR if he can't have and Aprilia. I am stick in the middle so would like some input/advice from you bikers out there. Thanks Aslan
Dad is correct, don't touch the Aprillia with abarge pole, they have character (which is biker speak for: breal down a lot). The NSR is a bit better than the Aprilia but the CBR all day long for reliability.
Buy a copy of 'Bike' magazine, costs around a fiver. They review bikes and I've always found them informative and generally honest. Personally speaking the honda offers reliability but the aprillia is a 'sexier' machine with so much more street cred.