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Why Do People You Don’t Know ( Fb ) Send You A Friends Request?

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Bobbisox1 | 12:52 Mon 05th Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I wouldn’t dream of doing this and just because you might have a mutual friend doesn’t automatically assume you’d be a friend from someone you don’t even know, always suspect when you read their ‘about’ and it shows ziltch :0)
Personally I couldn’t be arrised :0))))


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i can't be arrised anyway, FB is not in my domain.
mostly scammers. I also get friend requests from people in craft groups.
I rarely get friends requests but often I get a prompt to send a friend request to someone I 'may know'. I just delete these.
machine generated arent they ?
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I get them Tiggs as well but this was one where the little man shows up at the bottom ( or woman) haha
Yes, Peter. I think you are right. Also a lot of scammers.
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I normally get the ‘ Doktors’ or that’s the spelling they use , in messenger who wish me Happy Day, would you like to chat...haha
I get annoyed when people you know but not exactly friends, send you a friend request, then you don't ever get any likes or join in a conversation. I'm always liking , say, photos, or some interest if theirs. I think they're just being nosy!
OH gets loads of friend's requests from busty ladies and oriental girls. I think they think middle aged man looks like they maybe have a bit of money -ker-ching!

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I think you’re right Patsy, I have high security on my account and people can’t see who my friends are so I can only assume they’ve seen a post from me to a mutual friend ?
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All mine are from either the states or maybe a Prince in Nigeria ( haha)
The ones from the USA are always high up in the military too :)))

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