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Anyone Fancy A Weekly Stroll Down Memory Lane?

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Bobbisox1 | 14:19 Fri 16th Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
127 Answers
What radio programmes did you listen to when you were younger ,
I loved Saturday mornings and Uncle Mac

What comics did you get ? Mine was the Bunty,


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//Can anyone remember him [Wilfred Pickles] being in a tv sitcom with Hilda Baker? Something to do with a beetroot factory?// You’re getting your pickles and beetroot mixed up. Wilfred Pickles starred alongside Irene Handl in a series called “For the Love of Ada”. The series charts the late life romance of Walter Bingley and Ada Cresswell who meet and marry...
16:40 Fri 16th Apr 2021
i remember watching Daktari, does anyone recall it.
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Haha, love that sheds, 1-45 every weekday our house was full of kids , we were one of the first to get tvin the street probably because my Dad’s job was a radio engineer later to have the grand title of TV & Radio engineer :0)
Didn't remember the words "Mush" until "Lank" posted them but the tune is still in the back of my head.
I remember all those Dave. Domino cleverly sold a little packet of 3 for about a tanner, specially designed for schoolkids. The little sleeves had domino spots, from just one tile, on the back and you were meant to collect the lot and bingo you had a set of Dominos. Other brand packets I remember were Turf, Nelson, Craven A, and Robin. Loads of brands featured cats for some reason and "Navy Cut" ciggies seemed like the norm. Heaven knows what Navy Cut meant unless it was half cut like most sailors ashore. :))
my dad smoked weights i think, he used to get me to go to newsagents and buy them for him.
Sweet Afton was another.
I remember Daktari being on telly, Emmie, but I rarely watched it as I'd largely grown out of children's TV when it was first shown.

Daktari. With Clarence the cross eyed lion.

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