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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 06:29 Fri 23rd Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
morning all, we have a bright blue sky, i hope that this continues, feels like spring has
finally arrived. Am up and around early, can't sleep so here we are, i hope that you are all
well and enjoy the day.


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they are taking their sweet time over it Minty, he's been offline for an age
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still if he needs to rest then that's ok.
Morning all....not bad out there, a tad chilly this morning judging by what it feels like inside. So good to have lost the wool yesterday, so much lighter weight-wise and I couldn't believe how much lighter (whiter) it was colour-wise too. I'm aging - aaaarrgh!
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Morning Dtc
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luckily im not going grey, though i couldn't believe how much hair was cut, enough to make a wig?
I spoke to Boaty two days ago - he rang me, we having had a chat the day before. He's fine in himself....think all the early morning starts have caught up with him a bit.
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i know the feeling, i was awake at 4.40 am, tried to doze for a bit, but fully awake by 6am.
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at least he's still going, hate to think he won't come back, lets hope his internet gets sorted out soon. we miss him on here.
Good morning all.
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Morning Danny
morning DT xx Danny xx haircut on Tuesday for me....
Morning Danny
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that's nice Minty, we are starting hopefully to get back to some form of normality, if only its having our hair done.
can't wait..have to fess up to fringe hacking !!
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i have no way to hack mine, it needed a total makeover. perm, cut, style...
I had to cut mine as it was coming down over my nose - and the tail at the back - well. However, it is so good to be back to normality on this front, believe me.

Must be thinking about ablutions so have a good one!
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bye Dtc, have a lovely day
bye DT xx me too..oh wandering..see you later xx
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Bye Minty, have a good day

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Good Morning Early Birds

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