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What Happened To Our Friday Quizes?

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piggynose | 08:58 Sat 24th Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Is our Quiz Master taking a break?


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whoops, just found it! sorry chris
i didn't know there was a Friday night Quiz, the only one i know about is the one that Chris puts up, the BBC Quiz...
That's the Friday quiz
there you are...
Somewhat late because I fell asleep in front of the snooker last night (bad back - haven't slept well for over a week) but 5/7 and 4/5 has really given me a boost.
You sneaked that score in here, Jourdain2!

Well done on getting some decent scores - and on marginally beating me too ;-)

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What Happened To Our Friday Quizes?

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