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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 06:04 Wed 28th Apr 2021 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
morning everyone, i hope that you are all well - i am up early again after a fitful nights sleep, but never mind the day is upon us. No plans for the day as it looks like the weather
isn't going to be all that nice.


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Morning minty xx the Wisteria is popping out here, the infamous bluebells are beginning to emerge too, stunning that they are....
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do you do this every year? it seems such a lot of work, i know you do work for your neighbours, but time to take a break perhaps......

when do you have a hair appointment, now that they are open.
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they are stunning Dtc, so beautiful, we have blossoms on all our trees in the local park, no matter how long they last they always look lovely.
morning DT xx
I do this annually emmie.... had my hair chopped yesterday !! feeling human again !!
native bluebells are lovely ...we are still a good few weeks behind up here
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i guess its better than sitting around on your bum and not doing anything, i don't do decorating now, my days of getting on ladders are well and truly over. besides which i am more or less happy with the way the place looks.

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ablutions call, back shortly.....
hate being sedentary ...that time will come soon enough ! rain has just started...noooo
The thing about the bluebells here is that they have about 10 acres of open fields covered in them, the only fields in Britain - why not under the trees like the other ones on the estate, nobody knows. They're the English variety and not the Spanish ones..... Anyway time for me to head to the bathroom as well.

One more pic -
So have a good one, all....
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after a lifetime of being busy busy, i don't mind taking it easy now
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bye Dtc, thanks for the pictures they are beautiful - have a good day
good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
byee DT xx morning Paddy xx
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what will you do today Minty if its raining..
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time for breakfast, toast will have to do.... back in a mo
time to move along see you later xx
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bye Minty, have a lovely day..
Good Morning to all abers.
I hope the sun shines on you all day, wherever you are.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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