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Why Is Everyone Nowadays So Scruffy?

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Khandro | 22:38 Thu 28th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
98 Answers
It wasn't always so, in fact scruffiness has never been so endemic throughout history.
The French are probably the best dressed in Europe (the Women for sure). In Japan, the taxi drivers wear clean shirts and ties, but here everyone seems to be dressed sloppily, even in theatres and restaurants.
Is it indicative of something, or doesn't it matter?


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I once got told ... You could wear a bin liner and make it look good... It was a long time ago though :-(
Whenever I go on holiday abroad I wear casual in the day time, but I always dress for dinner - heels, evening bag and jewellery included. I notice a vast proportion don't bother.

It's the same at work. So many people come to work in leggings and baggy shirts these days.
gotta eat when on't job
I have'nt read all the threads so with the risk of repeating someone else's , I honestly believe that with regard to males, in particular, it is those elderly gentleman now who wear collar/ties pressed trousers and well shined footwear are former servicemen and especially those who endured National Service. You can spot them a mile off.
Perhaps a mature society realises what's important what's decoration.
naomi, several posters have mentioned changing clothes, particularly dressing to go out, or for dinner. I was just pointing out that standards of dressing, even among polite society, have changed a lot over the past century or so. They're continuing to do so.

As to whether a nice top is nicer than a nice T-shirt bearing a nice slogan about killing the idle rich - well, that's purely a matter of taste.
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The "guardians of the world", I was once told by a wise man, (a Buddhist philosopher) "are self-respect and decorum. Self-respect is for oneself, and decorum is for society. "

Here endeth the lesson :0)
'Can always tell a person's character by the state of their shoes'

Old men in baseball caps. ugggggggh
Retrocop, I wear a baseball cap when I'm playing golf. I also have a special one that I wear occasionally in memory of all those lost on HM Ships Glorious, Ardent & Acasta in 1940 but I wouldn't wear one otherwise.
We're retired, casual dressers. We are clean - our clothes are clean. What we wear is nobody's business but our own. Neither of us like wearing so called smart clothing. As long as we are not offensive, how does it matter how we dress. So no, Khandro, it simply doesn't matter. It just indicates that people dress for themselves not to create an impression.
//Old men in baseball caps. ugggggggh//
especially if they have the peak at the back
//Retrocop, I wear a baseball cap when I'm playing golf. //
I think wearing sportswear when playing sport is a given.
I am talking about old men wearing scruffy clothes and a baseball cap when shuffling into a pub or restraurant. Hardly the sporting elite!
jno,//As to whether a nice top is nicer than a nice T-shirt bearing a nice slogan about killing the idle rich - well, that's purely a matter of taste. //

Hmmm.... yes it is.
I suppose some people can look good in anything. Sometimes too, its not what you wear it's the way that you wear things. Cheap clothes can look great - expensive clothes can look awful!

Someone mentioned Jeans, jogged my memory, I have not owned a pair of jeans for the best part of 40 years.
I think you've hit the nail, Nellie.....there's a huge difference between casual and scruffy. For me scruffy is grubby looking with unwashed ill fitting clothing...and rarely washed or cared for hair.
I bling up for nights out...dinner or theatre....perhaps a bit blingier than some....but casual can be as pleasing as bling...
Jeans that fit well look good on both men and women....but not with an ironed crease down the legs as my mother in law insisted her son wore......:-)
In my opinion, reason people are more scruffy is because there is less demand to put on a good face if you’re feeling rough. Also, times have changed from suits and hats to tracksuits and bassball caps.. all we need do is look at the 20’s era compared to the one of today
Depends on your individual idea of scruffy. It really doesn't matter. I would say I hate formal and love casual. But am only scruffy at home. As long as people are clean I couldn't care less

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