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Isn't This The Most Wonderful Idea?

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ToraToraTora | 20:11 Thu 06th May 2021 | News
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Ps I know the report said it wld be used to boost foreign trade and host meetings but.... neither of those require a yacht
It was criminal getting rid of the last one and why when anyone suggests spending public money on whatever, are there always those that say it should be spent on the bloody NHS, how much money do they need or God's sake?
Maybe Prince Andrew could sail off into the sunset!
Fair enough dave50 .... if not yet nhs then ....


Or the MRC (medical research council).

Or help fund assist food banks?

Or charities too numerous to mention.

I don’t begrudge that it’d be a lovely tribute to the man but really I think it’s a waste of money
Altho what Davebro suggests might make me reconsider haha
as bill bryson has always said, the "worth" of things seems to be measured in incubators!
// double the price and get a proper one.//

What, like a Roman Abramovich one? You'd need more than double. Just shows how stupid the idea is. Other than to argue with Gulliver though, what do you actually think ttt?
I've a notion that TTT was poking fun at the author of this Tomus:
Well yeah Shoota, which is why I said..

// Other than to argue with Gulliver though, what do you actually think ttt? //

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Isn't This The Most Wonderful Idea?

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