she seems to be pretending her mum is dying and 'going to look after me mam' every day but sitting in cafes playing gamblers just to stay away from the baby I think. So what started as Post Natal Depression will probably end as gambling addiction too. It's annoying me though and don't get me started on evil David, he was being quite funny (as in comical) and now he's back to devil child again.
Corrie's going through a slump at the moment , can't say there is a gripping storyline at all. I mean what was that Fizz/Kirk storyline about? And their dragging out the David thing out way too much. Boring , but it will pick up eventually , it always does.
I think it's worth clarifying that actually clare is suffering from post natal psychosis, which affects only around 2 in every thousand new mums. Hence, as coming episodes will show, her behaviour is at the very very severe end of the PND scale. Not exactly highlighting a common problem, due to the severity of her illness, but makes for a much better soap storyline I guess.