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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:32 Sun 09th May 2021 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Morning all, i hope you are all well and that the day is a good one, whatever you do.
am up earlier than normal as can't get back to sleep. The forecast for the day is better
a proposed 20, i hope they are right, would be nice to sit out and enjoy the sun.



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morning Chip, don't worry i was very early this morning
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time for ablutions, back shortly...
Morning all, newspaper and coffee at the ready! At least the rain has stopped!
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morning Dtc
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you are late today, what did you do, oversleep?
a little. and then done ablutions and got the paper. May see my sister as they are going to France on Wednesday.
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is this the one with the Yacht?
yep they have a place in the south of France, right on the Med.
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very nice, have you been there...

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Good Morning Early Birds

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