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Fed Up With Tv Soaps And Gay Story Situations.

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SparklyKid | 12:39 Fri 07th May 2021 | Society & Culture
130 Answers
Why do I not feel guilty for my opinion that same sex marriage is an abomination.

Must be my age and intolerance.


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Sparklykid, I think we just have to face the fact, however unpalatable some may find it, the TV has to reflect the world as it is today. Unfortunately, because soaps need to be inclusive, I think there is a disproportionate amount of LGBT's, same sex marriages etc. As well as that there seems to be a disproportionate amount of criminality and death by accident...
12:59 Fri 07th May 2021
Btw, surely demisexual means going home halfway through...
YMB, I've wondered that ever since he asked me what drugs I've taken in my life.
YMF, you quoted my post "Naomi, marriages are not private stuff, they are a public declaration of love between two human beings." Why did you suggest my head was improperly wired?
Ymb, marriage "is" public. Doesn't it literally have to be publicised first, before you can get married? Banns reading or something (not my speciality...) plus witnesses.
Ceremonies are public. Marriage is not - or shouldn't be.
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I like being married, done it three times.

Must admit I have not been lucky, two left and one won't.
Ok, relationships might not be public (except on TV...). But it must be hard to write a soap without bringing any relationships into it.
Naomi, surely the fact of marriage is public. I'm not saying that every detail of married life should be open to scrutiny. I think you're being a bit quibbly?
Some might think that divorce is an abomination. I don't agree with that personally. Was your comment on my head-wiring based on the fact that you think that marriage with the expectation of a lifetime loving relationship is naive?
Some people simply don't cope well with complexity... the colours all need to be neatly inside the lines, the peoples of every country should always stay in their respective countries, and men should only get with women and vice versa... the world has never been that simple and never will be, and some people simply cannot cope with it.

Being in a relationship with someone is not entirely private... people notice that you live together, spend time together etc... I sometimes get the impression that some people are only comfortable with the LGBT community on the condition that they remain invisible and unnoticed... which is a ludicrous expectation.

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