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Why Spats?

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Canary42 | 17:54 Wed 12th May 2021 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Why, oh why do so many threads have to stray from the topic and develop into a personal unrelated spat between two or more Abers?

Even on the very sad lightning strike thread.

Do people have no respect?

Yes, I'm probably guilty very occasionally but for some it almost seems de rigeur


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Some people feel the need to reply all the time. They can't bow out gracefully.
I guess some need to "make a point"...repeatedly.
Humans are human. Any subject under the sun will give different opinions.
you know why canary, you are the cause most of the time. All your posts start with a statement that you think is fact that has more holes than an SNP manifesto. Do you expect that to go unchallenged?
Are you trying to prove Canary's statement starting a spat?

How sad.
no pasta I'm trying to make him see that he is the cause most of the time.
On the thread you mention, I may very well have been at fault for being the first to comment on what I perceived to be a crass comment on a thread that was virtually an RIP - maybe I should have stayed silent.
I enjoy reading the spaets between people, it's entertaining, keeps the site lively and I like to follow-up, it's annoying when you come back and "cannot retrieve the thread" it would be nice if Spatty threads were allowed to run to a conclusion without being removed.
I suppose AB has become what we have made it. Best just stay away from controversial abers, or take a break . At times it’s a nasty place. But no one insist that we get involved .

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