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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:10 Fri 21st May 2021 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
morning everyone, i hope that you are all well, and that you have a good day whatever you have planned.

its blowing a hoolie and expect rain later on apparently, which isn't good.



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morning Bobbi

its still blowing a hoolie, and has now gone very dark rain is definitely on its way, oh well never mind. Have no plans for the day, except to finish my book.
Morning gang!
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morning smow
Hi Emmie n Smow
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you were up early Lcg i noticed, perhaps its time to go back to bed.
Windy isn’t it! And my lunatic neighbour up the road is cutting his front hedge - there’s more in everyone else’s garden than his!
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perhaps he thinks get it done before the rain comes.
Possibly lol
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any plans for the day smow?
Decorating again!! It seems never ending for just one room!
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i thought you were doing the hall?
Now in spare room. Well one of two spare rooms lol.
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my decorating days are pver, last to do was the bathroom, and that was sorted out by private contractors. who took out the bath and installed a shower unit. It cost me 2k but was worth it, i couldn't use the bath as i couldn't climb in, this is so much easier
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is your o/h helping you?
I wouldn't let my OH near a paintbrush. He's rubbish.
No lol! He’s up to his eyes with work - he’s got 7 new staff! The decorating is always me - I don’t mind too much, there’s no rush as with this weather there’s nothing else to do!
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i have had extensive decorating work done over the years and almost always got in the decorators, they were quick, efficient and cost effective. Mr Em once put up a picture, i think it took him 2 hours, never again
Lol! Even though he’s highly intelligent and owns his own I.T company (I have no idea what he is saying half the time lol) he is actually very good at D.I.Y. So annoying lol. He just doesn’t have the time at the moment

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