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tiggerblue10 | 08:41 Sun 30th May 2021 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Now, I have a dislike of cyclists both as a driver and a pedestrian but there must be something wrong with you if you feel the need to do this.


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nut case in the car, i don't like cyclists at the best of times, but this was wrong on every level.
i almost got run over by a cyclist the other day, not for the first or second time either, as a pedestrian i find them a total pain. I had right of way across the traffic lights but he swerved round me just avoiding hitting me.
I don't hate cyclists, I am happy to share the road with them.

However in London I am baffled why most think a red light doesn't apply to them.
riding on pavements is another one, why do they do it.
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That's happened to me many times, Emmie. I've even been in situations where I'm turning right into a road and the oncoming car has flashed me to go but I had to do an emergency stop whilst turning because of a cyclist to the right of the oncoming car who didn't stop.
i don't think what the car driver did was right at all by the way, he should be brought to justice before he truly hurts someone.
Unfortunately, as with many Twitter and U-tube clips, you don't know what went before. There seems to be a group of similar cyclists. Two set off it hot pursuit of the 4x4 after the event. I have an idea there is more to this than meets the eye.

"Attempted manslaughter, surely" says one member of the Twitterati. There is no such offence as "attempted manslaughter" (for obvious reasons).

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