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sivam | 11:08 Mon 31st May 2021 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
whoa!! And she criticises Theresa Mays taste/


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Exactly how you'd expect your 13 year old daughter to dress when playing 'pretend marriages'.
11:20 Mon 31st May 2021
It's a bit difficult to buy stuff though Barry:)
I like the Boho look and if that is her style of dress then that's her perogative. Personally I can't stand the frilly toilet roll doll cover thing style wedding dress.
I thought she looked lovely, I loved the flower head dress and the pretty frock. What I try hard to imagine is what she sees in Boris.
Her flower crown was maybe a bit too big :-). I have to say as a couple they look very strange together, ie an awkwardness when close together ?
I thought the dress was just right for her style and a well done to her for hiring it for £45 instead of forking out the eye watering cost of buying it.
She has her own style and I think it suits her.
I thought that the dress was very pretty and kudos to her for hiring it and I loved the flower crown. Mine in 74 was a bit similar to that and I wore fresh flowers in my hair too
Obviously didn't have enough left for a dress after forking out for the redecoration :-))
i thought she looked pretty.
It's her choice & I think quite appropriate - I've seen a whole lot worse!
The dress wouldn’t be my choice but she liked it and that’s all that matters. It was her day.
so have i. ^^
that was to Dave ^
to some extent i can understand what she sees in him, away from the spotlight, if he was one of my dinner guests he'd be very entertaining with a dry sense of humour.
Diana's dress was one of the worst I have ever seen. I know the style was very fashionable at that time but the material was a shocker. It was a creased, crumpled disaster and the tone of colour did nothing for her.
"Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street"

Joe Jackson "Is she really going out with him?"

no she got married to him...good luck to them both
emmie, he's too much of a bumbler for me. He cannot speak a sentence without er, and er, then er. cannot stand to listen to him.

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