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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:10 Wed 02nd Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
morning all, its been a beautiful few days and it looks set to continue. I hope you have a lovely day whatever you have planned, and that the sun shines brightly. I have a new mobile phone and have been faffing about with that, but i shall have my al fresco lunch in the local gardens.


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I have no health problems at almost 75 yet I’ve had to fork out another £65 on my travel insurance for the year on top of what I’d taken out last September !
Lcg, nothing’s easy now is it :0)
Is Denmark on the green list?
No date set yet, Emmie. We wouldn't even have got our family in there with the restrictions.
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are there still restrictions ummmm, i thought for funerals it had been lifted.
No idea, Bobbi. They were culling mink last I heard...
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because of covid i suppose, how awful....

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Good Morning Early Birds

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