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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:12 Thu 03rd Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
morning all, its warm here and i can't get back to sleep. I hope that you are all well and have a good day whatever you may have planned, or not.


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morning Bobbi
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now that my hairdressers have shut permanently, i have to find a new one, and that isn't going to be easy or good, as the ones round my way are mega expensive.
Morning Emmie, I pay£18 for a dry cut , come home, shower and do it myself , years ago when I was working I used to pay upwards of £75 every 5/6 weeks when I had blonde hair with chocolate flashes in it
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one place has "from" 110 quid for a perm and cut. the others look about the same,
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i need a cut soon, as it getting a little long and won't hold a style
That’s a lot of money but you’re paying London prices there
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my usual guy who has retired charged 70 for the full works. so this has come as something of a shock to find these prices so high.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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