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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:00 Mon 07th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
morning everyone, another early start, its very humid so i can't get back to sleep.
i hope you have a lovely day and that its sunny and warm for those that like it.


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bye Dtc, have a good day...
Good morning all.
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morning Danny
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i can't remember if Minty is on holiday, if she is hopefully she's got good weather.
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
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on line shop shortly, so there is that to sort out, anyone got any plans for today?
Morning, that’ll teach me for saying I get uninterrupted sleeps, I had a horrid night, took forever to go to sleep and when I did I woke from strange dreams to have to do it all again, but off out later to our in laws this afternoon, having dinner there this evening too
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morning Bobbi
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sorry to hear that, though welcome to the club. i have just spent an irritating half hour trying to get through to customer service at Wilkinsons, only to be informed finally they don't open till 9am. i am not sure i have come across something so disorganised before.
I’d like to give that club a miss thanks Emmie :0)
I can’t think of anything worse tbh .

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Good Morning Early Birds

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