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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:54 Mon 14th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
morning everyone, its early so i am not sure if anyone will be about, but the closeness of the weather left me wide awake so here we are. I hope you have as good a day as possible and that the sun shines brightly for you.


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Hi Emmie, Saturday was rather busy ,we went out around 2 for a late lunch at an Italian restaurant not far from us, there was 7 of us so two tables,meal was superb .then a couple of hours break and we went to MrBs nephews where a large part of the family had gathered, we were there till after midnight , yesterday we went to my daughters and had a lovely meal al fresco , a nice quiet night last night finished off a perfect weekend x
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sounds great, at least he had a good time..

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Good Morning Early Birds

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