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Its Been A Week .....

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Theland | 14:17 Sat 19th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Since I tumbled off my scooter and into the river.
Yesterday, had a GP face to face appointment regards swelling in foot.
Got sent to hospital.
Three broken metatarsals. Now wearing one of those infamous ugly boots!
Got sent to DVT clinic. Now have to have daily injections.
Cuts on my arms gone bad, antibiotics for them too.
The question is, should I buy a lottery ticket?


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He probably would have done better than Harry Kane last night.
You've still got your sense of humour and that's priceless
Yep - and the fans could have sung, 'Yer off yer trolley, mate!"
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Scooter in water, me soaked bleeding and bruised.
But the worst part was the fireman and paramedics, saying, ''What happened?''

''Well, it was easy! ......... and that's how it happened! But don't quote me, please, think of my reputation!''
Welcome back, we missed you. I wish you a speedy recovery x
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I really love the ABers, every single one of you :-)
Take it easy, Theland and follow doctors orders.

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Its Been A Week .....

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