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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 22:58 Mon 21st Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Evenin' all ..... ♥♥♥



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Have one more before I say goodnight....there is a step in there that seems impossible.....don't know how they do it but I love to watch...x

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That takes me back Jim.
I remember it like it was yesterday, Lynne - 1979. Punk was dead and this was such a breath of fresh air, really making the other electronic bands sit up and take notice.

This, however, was several years earlier, and beautiful beyond belief:
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Goodnight everyone and thank you, let's hope we get the sun back tomorrow ♥

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Ah you caught me there, I have a particular reason to recall it.xx

I'll listen to that now.
If you can, hit the cans, turn the lights out and let this flow all over you!

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Brilliant , night ♥

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Night Night Song From Mamya♥

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