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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:52 Wed 23rd Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
morning everyone, its a bright start to the day, of course that may change, i don't know the forecast as yet, but it feels somewhat warmer than of late. I hope that you have as good a day as possible. I have to wait in for courier, but if i get notification of what time they are coming i might pop out for a little while even for a little walk round to the local park.


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Morning a bit overcast just now, I hope it gets out later, H coming to mine and then shopping and our afternoon/ night in the local ,enjoy your day birdies
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morning Bobbi
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yes i will, even if it comes over a bit cloudy, will need to get some fresh air.
Morning Emmie
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good result in the footie, we are through, shame about Scotland, i haven't been watching it, but hope England do well.
morning bobbi. Sounds like a good day planned.
Hey LJ,always good to see you around , I hope you’re well xx

They’ll have to work harder than they did last night Emmie to stay in the competition
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i guess so Bobbi, but so far i guess they are top of the group.
But now they come up against teams like France and Germany , here’s hoping they change tack and stop all the back passing
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seems to be their go to play, i don't watch them now, have done in the past and been totally put off by their negative play.
Sorry but if you're going to talk about footie I'm off. Got some grass to watch growing under three feet of snow.
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i don't follow it LJ, i just hope that the fans that do get their monies worth...
I could not care less emmie. Their money, they know how the players behave so their choice. Totally, utterly boring.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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