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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:00 Thu 24th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
morning all, its a clear one and i hope it stays that way. Plenty to do later on this morning so will be out for a time. I hope you are all well and that you have a good day.


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Morning birdies just woke up! Honestly Lola would lay there with me if I was lying all day in bed, when I throw back the duvet to get up she gives me a look of disgust :0)))
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morning Bobbi
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i have been awake on and off since two, its a right pain...
Morning Emmie
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any plans for the day?
Morning all.
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morning ummmm
Apart from visiting my friend who’s husband died last year ( she’s getting dementia) and I try to pop in once a week for an hour or so but that’s later this afternoon
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that's good of you Bobbi, sad that so many get dementia and not a lot can be done for it.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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