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hopkirk: "TTT, do you hate all Labour, LibDem and Green supporters, simply because you disagree with them?" - I suppose so but mainly It's because they are clueless lefty anti British morons who never follow their ideas to the extremities and thus test their veracity. They spout the same tripe in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. They still insist socialism can work when it has been demonstrated time and again that human nature alone prevents it. They think with illogic. Take the Greens for example, they think The UK can do something about carbon emissions. I'd have more respect if they went after China, USA, India et al but they don't. Then there is the Lib "Dems" who have the word Democracy in their name yet expouse ignoring it when they don't like the outcome. Now Labour, they hark back to the days when they were needed, they want us stranfulated by Union dogma etc. I could go on......