Yes that primarily, I thought I was about to faint yesterday in the MC, it was very busy so despite vowing to leave it off in the Malls in future, I wore it , I couldn’t wait to get outside Naomi
Going on holiday with hardly any restrictions in place. Can't think of going while I have to wear a mask for hours on end at the airport then for hours on a flight.
Yes, definitely getting rid of facemasks, although I think they may come back again, as a recommendation, during winter.
But the main thing for us will be our ability to visit our son and daughter in law abroad, and to be able to put our arms around him. FaceTime has been brilliant but to not have seen him for getting in for two years has been awful.
We are now living life after the pandemic. It has passed and is under control. Govt figures bear this out. But they aren't saying what we are seeing. There will be no easing of lockdown in July. The govt has now gotten used to having State Control and you, my dear little obedient citizens, have gottten used to obeying. Hey ho!
The minute that it is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face mask mine will go in the bin. I shall also go shopping more often and help the economy rather than avoiding shops etc because of the wretched mask.
Going to a pub / restaurant and being able to walk up to the bar, hugging someone I haven't seen in ages and strapping myself into my favoured window seat ready for take-off.
Normal for me would be able to sit and go anywhere i like in the pub. Last week i had to wait ten minutes before someone came over so i could pay my bill and leave.