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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:51 Mon 28th Jun 2021 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
morning everyone - i hope that your day is a good one, the weather here is rain and more to come in the week. But they do get it wrong so who knows. I am up early again but at least i have had a good few hours sleep - have you any plans for the day ? im going to most likely have a quiet one, though Wimbledon starts today, so might watch some of that weather permitting.



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going to see if i can change my face to face consultation with GP to a telephone call, saves me the walk on wednesday.
Morning LJ
morning emmie, morning bobbi.
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how you doing LJ?
Hopefully better today. Not good the past few weeks. A bit of pain on and off all day, everyday. Unfortunately, restricted everything I wanted to do. But today is another day. Thank you for asking.
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hope you are better soon,
She can probably eat what she wants when they finally take her gallbladder out, but for now she's been told to avoid fat at all costs.

Because of the issues that arose when they took her down to theatre they couldn't proceed with cholecystectomy and she might have to be referred to a Specialist Hepatobiliary Team.

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