Is it just me moaning as usual, or does Judge Judy seem to have more advert breaks than it used to? I keep switching channels when ads come on then by the time I remember to switch back 10 mins later …. More adverts! And mostly advertising CBS programmes.
The ads on cbs are beyond annoying! You appear to have more ad time than actual programme:-( At this very minute I'm watching JJ on Virgin Media 1 on Rte. Its on from 4.30-5.30 daily.The difference in ad breaks is so much better:-)
At the end of the program credits, it is stated that the money awarded is from the program makers.
This is not always the case, where say the judgement is the return of a vehicle or some such property.
Some litigants on the show have concocted the case to get a $5,000 payout from CBS – but JJ is wise to their game.
They get a $5000 fee for appearing. Any judgement and cost that goes against you is taken from that fee. If you are judged to owe that money to the plaintiff, then it is taken from the $5000. I assume the programme makers pay travel and hotel costs though.