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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:55 Sat 03rd Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
morning everyone, its a early start but i have been awake for a time, i hope that your day is a good one, and that whatever you have planned goes well


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Yes we're off tomorrow morning very early, Emmie.

Morning Bobbi, I hope LOL gets some relief x
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have a great time, hope the weather stays clear for you....
Hope you have an amazing hol with you little boy making memories Lcg
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
Would lola fit into a baby sleepsuit for when she goes out
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morning calmck
I can’t see me getting her in one calmck, she’d stand still and refuse to move but that’s a great idea

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Good Morning Early Birds

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