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Last night of the Proms

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anotheoldgit | 10:31 Sun 10th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Did anyone else notice a couple of PINK union flags being waved at last nights proms? have these been washed and lost their colours, or is it some minority group trying to make a statement?
Also, did anyone notice the lack of union flags, when the cameras switched to north of the border, which raises the question do we want a Scott. for our Prime Minister?


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Yep I noticed the pink flag (only saw the one), thought it looked bloody ridiculous to be honest- lol. I just presumed it was being waved by a daft bat who decided she wanted a 'girly' Union Jack- pah!

I also noted a few German and Italian flags in the audience too, what's that all about? Whilst I've nothing against these nations, surely the night was to celebrate being British???

Despite that I adored the Proms, as I always do, makes me feel extremely patriotic :-)

I went to the Proms in the Park last night and it was SUPERB!

I'm wondering how long it'll be before the "PC-gone-crazy brigade" will try to get the LNOTP banned as it's offensive to foreigners!
Surely the pink flag has the same thinking as the pink pound - ie Gay?
Oooo did you SurreyGuy? you jammy git! i'd love to go one year but can't find anyone willing to go with me, Mr Boo just looks at me as if i've gone daft each time I ask him :-(

Can I go with you next year then? I'll behave! LOL

And yes I'm very surprised it's still shown on TV anyway- wouldn't want to be seen to be offending any other national by God forbid having a pride in our own country eh?

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Last night of the Proms

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