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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:54 Tue 13th Jul 2021 | ChatterBank
64 Answers
morning one and all, its another early start, been awake for a while for my sins.....
i hope that you are all doing ok and that any plans you may have for the day go well.

I decided this morning that i don't like the furniture in my living room, so have purchased some new tables and have sent an e mail to British Heart Foundation that they can have the old ones. Though i only have had them for a relatively short time so they are nearly new. I can't donate the sofa as much as i would like to, as i can't get it out the door, not without taking the front and living room doors off.


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Morning Paddy x
But I’m wired for sound Minty :0))
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we're all going on our summer holidays, no more work for a week or two... trill la la...
I hope Emmie so as I won’t “ Talk to Him” :0))
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funny that i don't like Cliff much, but know some of the songs from my youth.....

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Good Morning Early Birds

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