Tomorrow I will wear no mask or visor. I shall not distance, leaving ridiculous gaps while queuing to order tea. If I’m asked by staff or public I shall state exemption. I have no wish to get into a heated debate so hopefully that will placate them. I hope those silly place that just had one toilet open for all to use. Now open the others for use. A practice that made no sense.
Wouldnt expect Flu cases to go UP when the majority of the population have been vaxxed against it
it does happen, though, Nailit, when the annual flu virus doesn't behave as expected. And that's pretty much what's happening with Covid: because it initially spread widely, new and more dangerous strains developed
When people see me without a mask and veer out of the way that's brilliant. I would far rather give people space (and vice versa) than continue to wear a piece of useless rag on my face.